What changes with the new National Seed and Seedling System?

Since March, the new National Seeds and Seedlings System  of the Ministry of Agriculture has been in force, after more than two years of discussions with the productive sector. The system seeks to guarantee the identity and quality of the plant multiplication and reproduction material produced, marketed and used throughout the country.

The purpose of updating the document was to adapt the regulation to the productive sector reality and dynamics and to promote the bureaucracy modernization and reduction in the regulatory sector. It also sought to balance the approach between process and final product, improve the seed and seedling certification process, stop the illegal products production and sale, and ensure the guarantees of identity and quality for the seeds and seedlings available in Brazil.

Regulation in the sector is important to combat piracy and tax evasion. According to the Associação Brasileira de Sementes e Mudas (Abrasem),  29% of the seeds used in the country are unofficial seeds. Also, according to the institution, piracy generates an estimated R$ 2.5 billion loss annually to the national seed sector and evades R$ 2.0 billion in taxes.

Among the changes brought about by the new text, the new requirement that the producer identify both the reserved seed or seedling and the reserve storage place stands out. The new decree also seeks to promote a clear differentiation between the seeds and seedlings user and the illegal producer, establishing different crimes proportional to the activities.

In this article we will show the main changes that came into effect and that demand the rural producer attention.

See other changes brought about by the new decree

The new text simplifies the content, reducing 10 pages compared to the previous decree, and many points of the previous document version were left unchanged.

Decree No. 10.586 / 2020 establishes provisions on:

  • The seeds and seedlings production and certification and general rules on forest species and medicinal or environmental interest species;
  • Establishes seeds and seedlings rules on internal trade and transportation, including for export and import purposes;
  • Rules on the seeds and seedlings use for sowing or planting;
  • Discipline the seeds and seedlings audit and inspection;
  • Discipline prohibitions, infractions, precautionary measures, penalties and other rules related to the administrative inspection and sanctioning process for the activities related to the matter.

From now on it will be allowed to maintain a technical seeds or seedlings reserve. If the producer wants to request the Ministry to test the acquired seed germination, the term for this has been extended from 10 to 20 days. However, the obligation to declare planted areas to the Ministry of Agriculture remains, not only with protected cultivars, but also with those in the public domain.

In addition, the Registro Nacional de Sementes e Mudas (Renasem) was further detailed in the new decree. Its purpose is to train individuals or legal entities to carry out the activities of seeds or seedlings production, processing, packaging, storage, analysis or sale. Also included here are the activities of seeds or seedlings technical responsibility, certification, sampling, collection or analysis.

The new document makes it clearer, for example, which individuals or legal entities can be exempted from registering in this registry. The validity period of this registration was also extended from 3 to 5 years. Previously, the producer or interested party had 60 days after expiration to request renewal. But if it is not possible to locate it, the office registration will be canceled. Therefore, it is essential to keep the registry up to date.


Changes in the National Register of Cultivars

Another important point that the new regulation brings is the National Registry of Cultivars. This document is intended to previously qualify cultivars for the seedlings production and sale in Brazil.

Supervising the arrival of unauthorized seeds from abroad is important because this practice can introduce pests or diseases that do not exist or are eradicated in the country and cause economic losses to producers.

The new decree seeks, above all, to promote a clear differentiation between the seeds and seedlings user and the illegal producer, establishing different infractions, proportional to the activities.

From now on, anyone interested in registering a cultivar will have a 30 days period from the Cultivation and Use Value (VCU) tests installation to inform the MAPA about the VCU tests installation date and place. Any change in the tests will also have 30 days to be communicated to the MAPA.

Any change in the tests will also have 30 days to be communicated to the MAP.

On the other hand, cultivars imported for research purposes are exempt from registration with the RNC. Also, traditional or creole cultivars, used by family farmers, agrarian reform settlers or indigenous peoples, can now be exempted from registration with the RNC.

Details on seed and seedling identification are now covered in supplementary norms, allowing different requirements, according to the species groups.

As we have seen, the new National Seeds and Seedlings System brought important changes to guarantee the identity and quality of the plant multiplication and reproduction material produced in the national territory.

Did you like this article? Also read our content on how to store seeds correctly.