How to increase productivity in the field

Aumentar a produtividade no campo Robustec

Brazil is one of the countries where agricultural productivity is growing fastest in the world. According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), production performance increased 4.28% a year in Brazil from 2006 to 2010, a better performance than China (3.25%), Chile (3.08%), Japan (2.86%), Argentina (2.7%), Indonesia (2.62%), the United States (1.93%) and Mexico (1.46%).

Still according to the USDA, in the 2000s, the average growth of agricultural productivity in Brazil was 4.08% a year. This advance was pointed out as the main factor responsible for the production growth, accounting for about 90% of the increase, while the remaining 10% is due to inputs. The study considered all crop and livestock products, relating them to inputs used during production.

How technology facilitates the work in the field

With the use of technology in production processes, producers may save time, reduce manpower and obtain better results. Over the past 50 years, productivity growth has allowed a more plentiful food offer at more competitive prices. With these gains in efficiency, Brazil is no longer an importer, having become a major food exporter.

produtividade no campo roblift

Innovative solutions have been adopted in the pursuit of increased productivity. New technologies enabled important changes, such as the enabling of the second summer crop (known as “safrinha”), greater genetic resistance to the main diseases and no-till farming. In addition, there is a greater variety of crops and intensification of agriculture – for example, after the harvesting of soybeans, corn, cotton, forage and cover crops are also grown today.

Estimates of productivity growth

Technology has been the main factor driving growth in agriculture. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA), between 1975 and 2015, 58.4% of production growth is due to technology, 15.1% to land and 15.4% to work.

Technology has made this increase in productivity possible, and it remains the main factor driving the growth of grain production in the next ten years. The average should go from 3.84 t/ha in 2016/17 to 4.1 t /ha in 2026/27, according to MAPA. Among grain production, the greatest gains should occur with rice, maize and cotton.

In the upcoming years, the growth of agricultural production in Brazil should continue to happen based on productivity. This fact is verified by observing that for the next ten years, grain production should grow 24.2%, and the planted area, 17.3%, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

What are the challenges for the years to come?

However, agriculture in Brazil still faces many challenges. To increase productivity, the country needs to intensify agricultural research and develop technologies to reduce risks, save resources and ensure greater profitability for producers.

Currently, the producer faces challenges such as the need for efficient transportation logistics, skilled and qualified workers, and integration of technology for decision making and increase in productivity.

Find the most suitable solutions for your daily life

In search for solutions, many companies have been investing in technology and developing new equipment and products to automate and improve work performance in the field.

However, before investing in technology, the producer needs to understand how this investment will increase productivity.

Events such as Agrishow, the largest technology fair in Latin America, were created to help producers learn about new trends and innovations in the agricultural machinery and agribusiness solutions market.

Learn about other transportation solutions for the field

The Roblifit Agro, by Robustec, is a good example of technology developed specifically to be applied in the field work and to meet the needs of the producers.

Another example is the development of more efficient parking jacks capable of offering greater safety in the operation of agricultural machinery. This equipment, used to support loads and towed vehicles, are extremely important to ensure safety in operations.

The Robustec parking jacks are very resistant and suitable for working in the field, which requires extremely sturdy parts due to the need for protection against bad weather and aggressive environments. Practical and of easy handling, these equipment facilitate the day-to-day work and ensure the safety of the products and people involved in the operations.

Standing out in the development of agricultural products and for the load tie down of high technology, Robustec’s policy is to promote the development of products that bring solutions that generate greater productivity and profitability.

Other transport solutions have been developed by the company, with emphasis on the lines of tie down accessories, lifting loads, ratchets and winches that facilitate day to day work in the field.

As we have seen, productivity in the field continues to increase every year, thanks to the new solutions brought about by technology and mechanization.


Learn about the advantages of roll on roll off equipment:

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The main advantage of the roll on roll off mechanism is the speed at which the cargo is loaded onto the truck or tractor. In addition, in less than eight minutes this equipment can carry a different load, simply by changing the type of bodywork …

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