Lashing strap: security for your operations

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Paying attention to safety in the logistics process and cargo transportation is essential, both for the integrity of the products and for the people involved in the operations. In this sense, safety equipment such as lashing straps, for example, become essential to the work, since they wrap the cargo, preventing it from moving or falling out of the truck.

In this article, we will talk about the care required, both when choosing the right straps for your job, and when performing the lashing. Take the opportunity to learn about the advantages of Robustec’s lashing straps.

Cautions when choosing a lashing strap

1. choose the right belt for your work

The different models of lashing straps are related to the amount of cargo they can support. Thus, before buying it, the ideal is to know the characteristics of the product being transported, such as weight, for example.

In addition, the shape of the hooks at the end of the belt, as well as the presence or absence of ratchets, can vary according to your fastening needs.

2. Work out the load weight distribution

It is very important that the load is not concentrated on just one part of the body. Safety standards recommend that this anchorage should be able to withstand the given forces:

• 80% to 100% of the weight at the front;
• 50% of the weight on the sides and rear;
• 20% of the weight up.

3. Never knot the lashing strap

Another essential factor to ensure safe transportation is that the lashing straps are in good condition. This concerns their state of repair, but also the way they are used by the operator.

Therefore, never tie knots in the lashing strap. Besides shortening the equipment’s useful life, this action can compromise its functions and cause accidents.

4. Choose lashing straps that meet safety standards

The process of cargo lashing is governed by a set of norms, capable of standardizing operations and ensuring maximum safety for those involved.

Therefore, when buying a lashing strap, check that it meets the following standards:

• Norm 552 from Contran: regulates and guides mooring devices, bringing minimum safety requirements for cargo transportation;
• Regulatory Standard 17: brings the requirements related to ergonomics, safety, and performance that need to be adapted to the operators’ demands;
• ABNT NBR 15883-1: specifies the calculation for the minimum number of lashing sets required for the correct securing of cargo;
• ABNT NBR 15883-2: provides the safety requirements for the use and testing of lashing materials;
• Regulatory Norm 12: contains the technical references and protection measures to ensure the physical integrity and health of operators.

Advantages of Robustec Lashing Strap

Manufacturing quality, strength, and firmness are just some of the advantages offered by Robustec lashing straps. Besides following the standards mentioned above, they ensure the integrity of the products and guarantee the safety of the people involved in the transportation.

See other characteristics of Robustec lashing straps:

• 100% polyester
• High endurance
• Low water absorption
• Variety of models
• Diversity of hooks
• Chemical and Heat Treatment
• Certified and adequate to safety standards

That was our article about lashing strapping for trucks. We hope it has helped you decide on the right type of equipment for your operations. If you are interested in
Robustec lashing straps, click here to talk to one of our salespeople and request a quote.