Trends for the agro-poultry sector in 2023

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The agro-poultry sector is one of the most important in the world, both for the economy and for food security.

In Brazil, this industry plays a fundamental role in generating employment and income, in addition to being an important exporter to other countries.

Furthermore, Brazilian poultry farming is considered one of the most advanced in the world, with an annual production of approximately 14.5 million tons of chicken meat and 52 million eggs, according to the ABPA projection report.

For 2023, projections remain optimistic. According to them, chicken production should reach 14.7 million tons. Meanwhile, the export of eggs can reach 11 thousand tons.

In this article, you will understand what the agricultural and poultry scenario was in 2022 and what are the main perspectives for the year that is starting.

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Agricultural and poultry sector general balance sheet in 2022

In 2022, the agro-poultry sector had a positive balance, with chicken meat production reaching 14.5 million tons and egg production reaching 52 million units.

In addition, the sector was also an important exporter. According to the bulletin Agro Export, around 4.1 million tons of chicken meat were exported and revenues of US $8.39 billion.

However, the agri-poultry sector also faced some challenges in 2022.

One of the main concerns was competition with other countries that also produce chicken meat, such as China and the United States.

In addition, the sector also faced environmental pressure to reduce the use of inputs such as feed and medicines, and was also the target of criticism due to the use of intensive farming systems.

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Perspectives for the agro-poultry sector in 2023

The prospects for the agro-poultry sector in 2023 are quite positive.

According to ABPA projections, chicken meat production should reach 14.750 million tons, +2% compared to 2022.

In addition, the sector is expected to continue to be an important exporter, with an export forecast of 5.1 million tons of chicken meat and revenues of US $10.5 billion.

See some trends for the agro-poultry sector in 2023:

Sustainability: in 2023, it is expected that there will be an increase in the demand for agro-poultry products produced in a sustainable way, which includes the use of agricultural practices, as well as the reduction of the use of chemical inputs and the increase of biodiversity.
Technological innovation: technology will also be an important trend in the agri-poultry sector in 2023. The use of technologies such as drones, sensors, Big Data and artificial intelligence can help companies to become more efficient, reducing costs and increasing productivity.
Animal welfare: will be an important trend in the Brazilian agri-poultry sector in 2023. The international demand for organic poultry products, also known as “cage-free”, is increasing. The European Commission plans to ban the use of cages for many farm animals by the end of 2023.

Robustec has been driving the growth of the agri-poultry sector with innovative solutions

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One of our main product lines is the Agricultural Line, which includes winches, ratchets and pulleys for moving curtains, drinkers and feeders in aviaries, in addition to a complete line of poultry accessories.

The use of proven resistant equipment, such as the Robustec Agricultural Line, is essential to optimize production and guarantee the safety and quality of the entire process.

In addition, these products also help to make the agro-poultry sector more efficient and competitive, contributing to its growth and development.

Discover our products through our catalogue.