Waste transportation: know the possible risks and how to avoid them

transporte de resíduos para reciclagem - robustec

If you run a recycling company, surely you agree that the correct transportation of waste is essential for all the processes in the reuse chain to flow in the best possible way.

Recycling may even be everyone’s responsibility, from organizations to the general population. However, it is the businesses in the industry that take on the role of doing this efficiently, responsibly, and safely.

With this in mind, measures must be taken to ensure that the movements are risk-free. Find out below what the potential problems of an inadequate waste shipment are and what measures are ideal to avoid them.

What problems can the transport of inadequate residues generate?

Several errors in the movement of cargo can be linked to poor solid waste management. Preventing them is essential to avoid a series of negative impacts to society and ecosystems.

This is because mismanaged waste can generate visual, air, soil, and groundwater pollution. There is also the damage to people’s health and well-being, as well as the possible penalties your company may face.

When we talk about waste transportation, the most common problems involve the vehicles selected to perform all the logistics. This occurs when some fundamental characteristics in the equipment are neglected.

Take advantage of the fact that you are already learning about waste transportation and add even more excellence to your company with the most suitable machines for your operations. Click here and find out what they are!

How to eliminate these risks and add more quality to transportation?

equipamento roll on roll off - transporte de resíduos - robustec

Roll On Roll Off Bins meet the needs of countless types of cargo. However, their greatest highlight is in waste transportation.

After all, they were created with all the necessary characteristics so that no losses or weathering of the materials occur.

As if this were not enough, by investing in state-of-the-art equipment, you still guarantee better operation standards and agility for the loading and unloading processes.

The result is an increase in the quality of your logistics. At the end of the day, this translates into financial gains.

Robustec Roll On Roll Off equipment is the most indicated to operate in the recycling segment. They offer more flexibility for the processes, with efficiency and safety for the most diverse types of materials. Everything the way this area requires.

With them, you load, unload, and can tip the different loads that the day-to-day processes may require, with total agility and adequacy to the demands of your operation. As if this were not enough, the equipment can be attached to different trucks.

The average loading speed is 2 minutes. In less than 8 minutes, you can change the type of body to transport different loads. This ensures maximum utilization of your fleet and total suitability for your needs.

If you want safer, more accurate and efficient waste transportation in your recycling company, be sure to explore the unique features of our Roll On Roll Off equipment. Contact a Robustec consultant and ask all your questions.