Year-end sales: how to earn more at the truck auto parts store?

vendas de final de ano em loja de autopeças de caminhão - robustec

Year-end sales always provide excellent opportunities for retailers looking to maximize their profits. After all, these are the months of greatest heating and movement in the market, with more business volume for trade.

This also applies to the segment of auto parts for trucks. This is a period when transporters and truck drivers are more willing to invest, which can be an excellent chance for your company to attract and retain new customers.

The economic context is also positive. In 2021, the sale of used trucks increased by 18.61%, according to data released by Estadão. Even with low moments in 2022, the expectation is that the year ends with another increase of 8%.

That is, the target audience of vehicle owners who need spare parts is growing. In this article, we share some tips for you to take advantage of this scenario and boost your year-end sales. Follow!

How to maximize holiday sales at the auto parts store?

Some factors contribute to the economy heating up end-of-year sales. They range from the opening of extra jobs, to the payment of the 13th salary, commemorative dates, among other factors that encourage people to spend a little more.

Therefore, it is common for the last few months to be marked by special promotions between companies, greater investments in publicity, stock and employee reinforcements and other aspects that help businesses to make the most of the opportunities of the period.

Offerings, marketing, and structural preparation are relatively common issues. Your truck auto parts store must stick to these points to follow the movement of the rest of the market.

In addition to these practices considered basic, and which depend a lot on the particularities of each trade, there are some additional points of attention to maximize year-end sales in the sector in which you operate. Get to know them in the tips below:

Take advantage of the economic boom

As everyone knows, the end of the year is marked by various festivities. In addition, various seasonal services and products also appear. These factors end up moving the economy and boosting people’s purchasing power.

Thanks to the increase in job offers or even extra journeys on the road, there is more money in the hands of professionals in the sector. At the same time, it also increases the concern and recurrence of truck maintenance.

Naturally, this boosts year-end sales in truck auto parts. To boost them even further, it is worth creating special purchase conditions, such as financing with reduced entry fees, upselling, among other similar actions.

Create offers linked to the 13th salary

Also in relation to the purchasing power of customers, all truck drivers who work under the CLT regime are entitled to the 13th salary. It is usually paid to workers in two installments at the end of the year.

One tip is to create specific campaigns for this benefit, which is also called allowance. Highlight in your communication that this is the perfect opportunity to close a deal, since there is money available and your company also offers differentiated conditions.

When planning promotions, the ideal would be to divide the entry into up to two times. Thus, you align with the payment period of the 13th and create an extra incentive for the consumer to make the purchase.

Work on typical year-end patterns

Finally, remember that many people leave pending issues to resolve in the last months of the year, take advantage of the festivities to review their needs or even dedicate themselves to making new plans for the new year.

All of these issues can be the subject of your sales campaigns, with purchase incentives for customers to meet their targets in the final months and start the new year “on the right foot”, always benefiting from the special conditions of your trade.

Robustec is the ideal partner for your auto parts store. In addition to working with the most outstanding products in the sector, we act as true partners with our resellers and are committed to their success. Download our catalog and find out how we can help you boost your holiday sales!