4 strategies to attract online customers to your physical store

atrair clientes para a loja física

There are numerous strategies to attract customers to the physical store in the hardware industry, although it is not a very easy task.

People’s consumption habits have changed a lot in recent years. However, physical commerce still has a lot of power in decision making, firstly because it allows the customer to have direct contact with your product and service. Secondly, the visit to the physical store allows the consumer to learn more about other products offered by you.

Despite e-commerce having broken records in 2020, a survey conducted by the Tiendeo platform stated that 42% of Brazilians still prefer the physical store experience.

On the other hand, digital has a number of advantages for the business world. This includes the ease of attracting customers from various parts of the country, advertising products to a larger number of people, and closing deals at a distance.

But how do you get customers who live in the same town as your hardware store to opt for buying in person?

In this article we will show you 4 strategies to attract customers to your physical store.

1. Strengthen digital positioning

First of all, your customer needs to know you.

A survey done by Google showed that 82% of consumers search social networks before closing a deal.

This means that your store needs to be on the digital channels where your customers are. In this sense, having a website, blog, social media profile, email and WhatsApp make all the difference in attracting customers to the physical store.

Besides allowing the customer to get to know your solutions, this strategy also offers more credibility to your business, positioning it as an authority on the subject.

2. Apply O2O strategies

How about betting on online actions and campaigns to attract customers? The acronym O2O stands for Online-to-Offline. Thus, it consists of integrating online strategies with offline conversions.

In fact, research shows that companies that invest in integrated channel strategies achieve up to 89% user retention.

Thus, there is nothing to prevent the shopkeeper from promoting his products and services through digital channels, creating campaigns, strategies, and promotions that engage the customer and direct him to the physical store.

For example: a store has an app where the customer can register codes, earn points, advantages, and apply them to purchases in the physical store.

3. Invest in geolocated ads

Geolocalized ads are essential for the online promotion of your business.

With them, you can set up paid campaigns to reach audiences in the regions closest to your point of sale.
For example: You can set up an ad so that it reaches people within a 20 km radius. Everyone who searches for something related to your industry and is within that radius will receive your ad and be able to learn about your solutions more easily.

4. Use WhatsApp

WhatsApp is one of the preferred channels for customers. It is quick to exchange information, reliable to present your service, and demonstrates the quality of your service.

After all, with it, you can send product photos and audios answering your customer’s questions.

This attention and proximity can awaken the consumer’s desire to visit your physical store.

Therefore, besides investing in the tool, train your collaborators so that they are prepared to give sequence from the online service to the offline one.

In short, selling good products is the joker for all the actions mentioned above to work well. So, if you are a toolmaker and would like to increase the quality of the solutions sold in your physical store, how about starting a partnership with Robustec?

Your hardware store can be much more complete with our articles and accessories. They ensure maximum safety and robustness to the various operations in the industry.

Contact us and become a reseller right now.